“Ilchi” is the name Ilchi Lee chose for himself nearly 30 years ago, following a life changing spiritual experience. “Il (一)” means “one” and “chi (指)” means “finger.” “Ilchi” refers to the index finger, indicating “pointing the Way.” “The Way,” referred to as the “Tao,” is considered the essence of Oneness, the natural order of existence. Embracing the Korean Taoist tradition, known as Sun Do, Ilchi Lee awakened to the universal principle that humanity is connected to the Cosmos, the Earth and all of creation.
Ilchi Lee realized that humans are essential agents of life with innate creative potential and that our choices have the power to create a world of peace and abundance. Since he realized Tao by recovering health and balance in his body, he believed others could do the same.
Ilchi Lee began teaching Sun Do exercises in a public park in South Korea. His first student was a man recovering from a stroke. Word spread of the effectiveness of his teaching and soon small groups of students formed.
The exercises he taught gradually evolved to include a wide variety of over 360 meditative and brain enhancement techniques, which he systematized into different programs and workshops, and organized into five steps. This system of mind-body-spirit training is now known as Brain Education. It integrates ancient, millennia old, Korean philosophy and Sun Do culture with applied neuroscience to teach optimal brain utilization. Beyond exercises, Brain Education offers wisdom for healthy living and the successful development of children and aging of adults.
I watched Ilchi Lee’s speech that he presented on October 3, 2011 at the Spiritual Festival in Korea. His speech is an extraordinary call of the enlightened person to change our world. His ideas and hopes for our world are very clear: from material society to spiritual. The Planet Earth needs a President of the Planet Earth. I will vote for him.
Thanks to you I have managed to have a deeper comprehension of life. I know for myself that I already have greatness from within, but I have not managed to know myself spiritually. Thankfully, now that I have read one of your books I feel a stronger connection with the spiritual world more than ever before.
I am a senior in high school and The Call of Sedona is not an average book I would read, simply because it is my last year and I would love to finish high school the easy way out. But when my teacher assigned us the book I thought it would be a boring book because I really do not like to read but in reality once I started reading it I could not put the book down. I could not put down the book because it was so interesting to me and I was learning new methods that could help me find myself and find what I am looking for and my dream as well. One of my favorite passages that you wrote in your book was ” Yet no matter how truthful or powerful a message is, one is nevertheless confronted with fear for the future when the path that’s shown appears to lead to certain ruin. But when the message comes from the source of life, then you have no choice but to accept it, however impossible it may seem at the time. There was no other option”.
Mr. Lee we read your book “Call of Sedona” in my World Literature class. Reading about your own personal journey into finding your life’s work and purpose has inspired me to go out into the world and find my own.
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your journey. It really inspired me to go in search of who i really am. It made my class and I really open our eyes and see what is really going on in our world today. I also want to thank you for making sure that your dream of harmony around the world will be achieved. I hope one day I will be able to achieve as much as you have. Thank you.
I just finished reading the book of Sedona and i can say its been a life changing experience reading all of the things that his gone through really make you think. i hope that one day as a society we are able to accomplish the ultimate goal of finally becoming ONE so that we don’t judge each other for are differences and become unselfish.
The Call of Sedona was very well written. I love how you expanded on your experiences by giving background information of the area as well. The detail was impeccable. You’ve inspired me to want to visit Sedona for myself to possibly gain the same experience that you had there yourself.
Ilchi Lee’s book ‘The Call of Sedona’ is a very inspiring book that is an eye opener about being one with your inner self and mother nature. It is a book that is a guide of life that inspires me to be more open to the unknown in order to build wisdom and experience the world. It is very accurate when it comes to talking about how life really is. Reading the book really humbles my heart, making me appreciate life more.
Mr. Lee, your literature gave me a challenge. My first time reading, I quickly skimmed through it. Associating with classmates and my instructor, I reread your literature, this time taking my time to understand your concepts. Comparing my annotations with other peers and an enlightened instructor, I found you to be a very wise man. I personally want to thank you for your consideration of other individual lives; you did not have to express to the world what you encountered in Sedona and for that I thank you. Please continue to write many more influential literature structures informing us of your new journeys and enlightenments.
As a teenager, I have not experienced much within my lifetime, but i can certainly say that being exposed to your material has deeply impacted me along with my perception of reality. I am very much appreciative of your enlightened insights, and your continual efforts to spread your invaluable knowledge throughout the world. Needless to say, I hope all of your wonderful dreams of a peaceful, harmonious earth are fulfilled. Thank You.
I wanted to know how did Sedona come to mind when thinking about a peaceful place on Earth?
The true beauty of Sedona has been discovered in this book. I truly now understand that there are many places that can be ones dreamland, it doesn’t have to be Sedona.
I read The Call of Sedona for my World Literature Class and it really spoke to me. I love the way the book is written, the language and the messages in the book. Thank you for speaking to us about your journey through The Call of Sedona.
In your book, “The Call of Sedona,” on page 13 it says, “Its often referred to as “red rock country”…. red rock.” I looked up the significance of the scenery in Sedona. I found out that the red-orange color of the rocks is one of the most neurostimulating colors which enhances creative thinking. Is that a part of the great energy that is in Sedona? Does that take part in enlightenment?
the Call of Sedona is one of the most influencial books i have ever read. I took all your wisdom with an open mind and found it to be the missing link of my life. Your expiriences in sedona has made it one of my top destinations to visit when traveling all around the world insearch of my calling, insearch of my inspiration that i will embrass like you have done so with all the energy of the sedona region.
I truly appreciate your wisdom and the time you spent to write the book The call of Sedona. Reading a book to this extent was not as far as my knowledge has taken me. I have had a great experience and gain an inner connection with myself and what I would like to do on my journey in life. I have to give up the life I planned in order to get the life that is waiting for me. Your book it inspiration and motivation, and I greatly thank you more than I can express.
Yours Truly,
Dear Mr Ilchi Lee,
My name is Olga Gordeeva and I am Head of Foreign Rights at BOMBORA publishing house, the largest Russian publisher.
We are very interested in your book Water Up Fire Down: An Energy Principle for Creating Calmness, Clarity, and a Lifetime of Health
Could you please advise if Russian translation rights are available and with you?
We would be happy to review a pdf.
Thank you
Olga Gordeeva