Healing Society


Healing Society by Ilchi LeeIlchi Lee’s first book released in English reached #1 in amazon.com overall sales ranking within a month of publication. The author emphasizes throughout the book that enlightenment is not just for a selet few, but available to everyone. This book includes stories of the author’s personal experiences in his quest to find the meaning of life.

The Twelve Enlightenments for Healing Society


12 Englightenments for healing society Ilchi LeeIlchi Lee offers readers the practical tools to “stop seeking enlightenment and start acting it.” He shows readers how to become what he calls “enlightened activists” and push past the artificial boundaries of institutions that prevent us from realizing we are all members of the human society.

The Soul Needs Training To Grow

Audio CD

The Soul Needs Training To GrowIn a speech punctuated by music and humor, Ilchi Lee shatters our fixed concepts of spirituality and talks about the true meaning of growth of the soul. This audio lecture CD contains Ilchi Lee’s insightful lecture from Humanity Team’s Gathering in Portland, OR.

Beyond the Name and Personality

Audio CD

Ilchi Lee's audio CD: Beyond the Name and PersonalityIlchi Lee addresses how you can live your life utilizing the true creator within, combining his unique words of wisdom with special training and healing music. This audio CD features his exciting lecture from the Meeting with the Creator event in Sedona, AZ.

Peace in the Brain

Audio CD

Here is a beautiful encounter between Ilchi Lee and future leaders of the world, originally a guided training focusing on finding your rhythm of life. This audio CD is based on an enthusiastic lecture to youths from six countries gathered at a leadership conference in Sedona, AZ.


“It is now time to acknowledge the ultimate and core value that is capable of encompassing and superceding the partial and prejudicial orientation of the current value systems of the world. It is the one that can become a fulcrum point that will allow balance, harmony, and peaceful coexistence of all people. This is the Earth. The Earth cannot be claimed by any one group or organization regardless of its size or power. If humanity can be said to share one collective vision, it would be peace on Earth. This collective vision may also be our hope for survival in the very near future. To realize that we are all Earth-Humans…this is the key.”


“My sincerest wish is to provide tools which aid in the recovery of education, relationships, and harmony between humanity and nature. We carry a deep wish to create a healthier, happier, and more peaceful society. I believe in the power of this wish. I believe that the people who nurture this wish by the choices and actions that stem from their courageous insights make history. The most valuable legacy that we can pass on to future generations is the recovery of our humanity so that they can experience a deeper and more meaningful existence.”


“The most precious gift we can give our children is to let questions of the purpose of their existence grow naturally in them, and respond to their questions with the wisdom we have gained from our life experiences. Of course, our answer doesn’t automatically become theirs. They will each find their own path in life. It may be vastly different from ours, or it could be one that is an extension of our experience. In either case, having a sincere exchange about our passion and life purpose gives our children confidence. Their trust and respect for us will grow.”

Choosing Happiness

“Many people feel that they can only be happy and peaceful when they are given the right circumstances and conditions. However, we can be at peace and be content in this moment now, at this place now. This is our choice. There is nothing that is blocking this choice. Only our thoughts are obscuring this choice. Why can’t we be content and happy without conditions? Enlightenment is a choice that continues from instant to instant, from moment to moment.”


“Transience is the most general phenomenon of the cosmos. Change is the only changeless reality. Seasons, livelihoods, personal relationships—all of these will change. Our experiences in life are transient and relative. Only death is certain, completing the cycle of life that begins with birth. By meditating upon this truth, we recognize that we, too, are manifestations of transience. When we understand this teaching deeply, we become humble and sincere. We treasure each moment and endeavor to do our best. We feel less stress and become more accepting of the diverse phenomena of life. If something ‘good’ happens we can feel the joy and be thankful. But we know that the conditions for the situation will not last forever, and we do not become attached to the feeling. We will simply consider every moment and every experience as a blessing.