While you need to trust your brain, you have to allow your brain to trust you. To secure the confidence of your brain, you must check yourself regularly, again and again, because we are all subject to all types of doubts and fears. It is not through your thoughts or words, but rather through your actions that you can really check yourself. Through your actions, you must show yourself what kind of person you are, persuade your brain of this, and win your brain’s total trust. If you think a lot, but do not act, it shows that your brain power is not yet adequate. Your brain is failing to send a signal powerful enough to move your body. No creation is possible without action. Nothing meaningful at all happens without action.
The trust of your brain cannot be earned in a day. Your brain’s trust is a form of energy, an asset that must be accumulated and managed carefully by investing a great deal of time and effort. You build faith in yourself when you continue to show devotion to what you do, beginning with small things and moving one step at a time to larger things. This growing faith, ultimately, quiets the brain’s doubts and fears, and enables the brain to reveal and utilize its powers to the greatest extent possible.
To win the trust of your brain, you must develop and exercise willpower. Willpower is the ability, once we establish a goal, to see it through to the end. It is persevering despite obstacles and pain encountered along the way. When you make up your mind and say, “I’ll do it,” our fear of the task will vanish, and your heart will feel lighter. We will use 100% of our energy because we will be free of conflict over whether to do the work. Once you truly make up your mind to do something, your brain, on its own, will make all the preparations necessary to accomplish the task. Then, quite mysteriously, conditions surrounding you will develop in a way that will make it easier for you to accomplish what you set out to do.
Aid will come to you unlooked for. Things that seemed to have only a small chance of working out will end up going your way. If something we intend to do is not working out the way we would like, we should check ourselves to see whether we truly have the willpower to reach that goal and remind ourselves what it was we made our minds up to do in the first place.
When, with willpower, honesty, integrity, and responsibility, you put your choices into practice, you earn the trust of your brain. Your brain will begin to listen precisely to what you say and serve you loyally. You will grow into a mature human being who continues to reduce the discrepancies and contradictions between thought and deed, between body and brain, and between the principles for life we establish and the lives we actually live.