Your brain can do things you have never done before, even things of which you are unaware. Your brain has incredible power to find paths you cannot now see and to create paths you cannot find. But your brain will not put forth its full creative power if you keep only to those aspects of yourself that you have experienced and understood so far. Most people live within the limits of the self they have experienced and known. So they do not realize what they have not learned, they remain uninterested in things that they believe to be none of their business, and they fear to attempt things outside the scope of their own knowledge and experience.
Within your brains sleep amazing powers. Your brain contains infinite creativity. To release this creativity requires a strong faith in yourself. So believe fully in yourself. For many people, this is more easily said than done. At such times, one can shift perspective, even slightly, and try trusting your brain.
Having sufficient confidence – trusting your brain – is the first step to activating your brain. We can maintain a positive attitude when our confidence is alive and vital, and a positive attitude responds flexibly to information, increasing the speed at which we change and grow. If you are in low spirits because of past mistakes or poor behavior, or if you desire to change a habit, tell yourself this, “That was my brain as it was in the past, but not now. My brain can change.”
The moment you acknowledge your past experience – without being ashamed of it, denying it, or making excuses for it – the brain opens up circuits previously blocked by stress and starts creating new thoughts. Your brain is ready to ceaselessly change and grow. You provide your brain with a direction for that change by continually making choices and by putting your choices into practice.
It is you yourself, and no one else, who can erase the limitations, or “set points” in our brains. If you think, “these are my limits,” your brain will not try to work beyond those limits. If you keep the limits, it is like driving a car with the parking brake engaged and then complaining that you can not go as fast as you would like.