Ilchi Lee presented a public lecture on the Jangsaeng Walking Method – Walking for a Youthful & Healthy Life, at the College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 10, 2007. More than 200 people heard him lecture on a subtle-yet-powerful new method of walking that he developed, which has makes practitioners feel stronger, more confident and years younger.
This walking method has roots in Eastern traditional health practices, and incorporates Western medical findings. Scientific evidence has documented that regular walking can prevent or even reverse many diseases. Walking can lower blood pressure, increase bone density, and even expand the volume of brain tissue. It can also help promote weight loss, prevent diabetes or reduce its severity, lower cholesterol, moderate anxiety and depression, decrease colon and breast cancer risk, and relieve knee arthritis pain. Walking in a natural setting connects one to Nature, thereby reducing stress and heightening self-reflection. Jangsaeng Walking differs from regular walking in that it puts gentle pressure on the yong-chon energy/acupressure points. In Oriental health theory, these points are the start of the kidney meridian (energy channel), and directly related to kidney health. The method activates the power of your mind’s awareness, which has an enormous influence on the body and brain.