Weonju City and Weonju Today (regional daily newspaper), in South Korea, jointly sponsored a lecture by Ilchi Lee on Know Your Brain, Know Management, to 250 heads of regional government agencies and public officials, Weonju City, May 17, 2007. At the lecture hall, the Mayor of Weonju City, the president of Weonju Today, and the head of the Committee of the International Friends Club greeted him.
Ilchi Lee began his lecture with the question: What was the significance of moving the value of human existence from the heart to the brain?
The brain is the center of discretion. From it springs innovation and action. If Weonju City wants to make itself into the most healthy, happy and peaceful city in the world, the methods to make that happen would become an incredible intellectual property. Transforming Weonju City over the next five years into the world’s leading high-quality and crime-free city must involve the excellent practicing of PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) throughout the city’s institutions, rather than relying on a short-term campaign. The future of the Republic of Korea will depend on the revival of regional cities like Weonju City and innovative approaches like Brain Education.