New ECO Learning Center Opens

Ilchi Lee at the ECO Learning Center ribbon cutting ceremony
Ilchi Lee and other VIPs cut the ribbon at the Grand Opening of the ECO Learning Center

Ilchi Lee attended the grand opening of the ECO Learning Center in Cottonwood, AZ last Tuesday, September 20, 2016. The center is run by the Earth Citizens Organization (ECO), which Ilchi Lee founded in order to share the Earth Citizenship idea that the earth should be the central value on which individuals, organizations, and nations based their decisions.

ECO supporters
ECO supporters stand by Earth Citizenship values.

ECO has been training Earth Citizens leaders who teach mindful and sustainable living in their communities. Through supporter donations, they have built the ECO Learning Center to facilitate and grow their mission. Through the center and the leaders it trains, ECO is helping people to “LIVE ECO,” which means

1. Be kind.
2. Don’t waste.
3. Exercise inside out. (Don’t just exercise your muscles. Instead strengthen your core and act genuinely.)

ECO’s new motto is to LIVE ECO.

Ilchi Lee was very pleased that the land he purchased about twenty years ago was more actively fulfilling its purpose of serving the community and the Earth.